That's simple. It's the people. St. Mark's isn't just a church, it's a faith family. We worship together, we laugh together, we celebrate together, we cry together, and man, do we eat together!
Come and let your family become part of our faith family.

At St. Mark's, our mission statement says it all. "Our mission is to offer ALL a welcoming place to gather for worship, seek Christ, grow in faith, and serve the community."
We do not discriminate based on age, race, creed, sex,nationality,sexual orientation. or gender identity. We truly believe that EVERYONE is a child of God.
Service Oriented
The church isn't a building and it isn't just something that happens on Sunday. The church is the people. We believe that it is our responsibility to be an extension of Christ's love through service to our faith family, our community, and the world.
Salvation comes by Grace alone (Sola Gratia) through Faith alone (Sola Fide) in Christ alone (Sola Christus)according to Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura) for God's Glory alone (Sola Deo Gloria).
- The Five Solas, Martin Luther