Service Style
Our traditional service follows one of the 10 liturgical settings in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship book (ELW). The service is led by the pastor and a lay assisting minister. The pastor and assisting minister may wear traditional robes. Acolytes are present on special occasions. Communion is offered at every service (more about Communion).
A prelude is usually played 5 minutes before the service starts. This is a time to gather your thoughts and prepare for the worship service. Printed bulletins are available by the main sanctuary doors (in-person worship) or by email (if worshipping online).
Music is a big part of any worship service at St. Mark's. Our traditional service has hymns from the classic to the contemporary, but most are familiar and are the traditional arrangements. The organ and piano are the main instruments, with a cantor leading the hymns. Occasionally, we feature guest musicians that play the trumpet, flute, or violin. Hymns are emailed weekly with the bulletin for participation with online worship.
We have a mixed adult choir September-May (more about choir).

You'll see a wide variety of dress from shorts and t-shirts to suits and dresses. Most wear a business casual or dressy casual for our regular worship services.
We welcome you no matter what you wear! It's what's in your heart, not what's on your back that matters as God gathers us together as part of the Body of Christ in this place.
After worship on most Sundays, we gather in the garden room for fellowship time, which includes coffee and other beverages, and treats of all sorts provided by various parishioners and church groups. We would love for you to join us for great conversation, good food, and sweet fellowship.
Ample parking is available in the lot behind the church. If handicapped spaces are needed, they may be found along the east side of the building.
Entering the Building
Enter the building by walking down the sidewalk on the east side of the church, and enter through one of the main doors. You'll be greeted by our greeters, who will welcome you to St. Mark. Just before you enter the sanctuary, you'll be given a bulletin, which contains the order of worship, the music, and the readings for the day. There is hand sanitizer available at the entrance, if you need it.
Handicapped Accessibility
A ramp can be found in front of the main double doors on the south (front) side of the church. We have an elevator located between the narthex and garden room annex, and a unisex handicapped-accessible bathroom is located off the garden room. If you need any of these features and cannot locate them, ask a greeter and they will be happy to show you.